Directed by Bijan Zarin, the short film narrates the story of a boy named Showan who lives with his family in a village in Iranian province of Kordestan.
The company he had worked in fires him due to job cuts. Now he has to make a living and he has no choice but smuggling goods.
The cast of the film includes Asad Faridi, Truska Jula, Arshia Zarin, Zahed Karimi, and Arina Lotfi.
Born in 2002, the Garden State Film Festival has hosted films and film industry notables in its different editions.
According to the official website of the event, “it is rooted in the celebration of the independent film genre and the creation of a forum where local and other independent filmmakers can exhibit their work.”
The upcoming edition of the event will be held on March 23-28, 2021.